CURRENT ADVISORY for 20 August, 2024:
Overall Life-on-Earth Condition Code (Opinion): CODE RED
Acute Life-on-Earth Crises:
Ukraine-Russia War: Devastating now to the people of that area, and can easily escalate to NATO-Russia 'world' war.
Israel-Gaza War: Devastating now to the people of that area, ie. their extermination, and can easily escalate to a broader Middle East or World War.
Sudan civil war: Although not directly attacked, tens of millions of civilians facing famine due to the armed conflict.
Chronic Life-on-Earth Crises:
Worldwide Abortion Rate: 153,000 per day (source:
Human deaths due to Starvation: 18,904 deaths per day (source:
Worldwide Civilian Death Rate directly caused by Armed Conflict: 27.4 deaths per day (source:
Worldwide Animal Death Rate due to Slaughter for food by Humans: 153 million per day (source:
Our Condition (
We are advancing overall but find it impossible to keep this website properly updated in our present situation. This website might go offline in early October, as a tactical retreat, while we explore new ways to get the truth out. Please avail of the 'Links to Other Interesting Websites' at the bottom of this webpage.
Our Recommendations:
Pray for Humanity, share evidence of the truth, and prepare in case of adversity.
We find that the most fundamental organization in sharing and receiving truth is level of awareness which both the presenter and the viewer are aware of or willing to exchange information on. Presenters may not be aware of deeper levels, may not be willing to share information on them, or the audience many not be willing or psychologically ready to 'go there', ie. to receive information on deeper levels fairly.
For such convenience, to not shock people until and unless they are ready, we have divided topics according to what level of awareness you want to deal with.
Following that division, topics are divided in the polarity of how they impact life on Earth.
Unfortunately for the workload of good activists, ultimately all levels need to be dealt with, but can be dealt with fairly (not perfectly) effectively independently of higher levels.
We recommend don't even bother trying to share truth more than one level deeper than the level the audience is on. It can take years for the mind to be ready for the shock, and to try to rush that can be disastrous.
Unfortunately many topic pages are still unwritten. If so, please use the title heading as a clue to do your own research, at least for now. As they say, even a single word is sufficient to the Wise.
Please don't interpret the rainbow colouring here as a sign of support for the LGBT movement; it is only used below as a way to help show separate categories of information.
Awareness-Level 0: Problems in the World are only caused by people thinking about problems.
In this mode of thinking, news is better ignored, no topics are worth thinking about except immediate pleasure, and whistleblowers and other revealers of problems are the greatest threat of all.
Many major religions, as poularly interpreted, support this mindset, on a promise a great eternal reward for maybe believing something, but no requirement to actually do anything to change the direction of society.
If this is the level you're on, and you love it, this isn't the website for you. Please just leave.
Level 0 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
Level 0 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Awareness-Level 1: Our Social System is Great and the only Threat is physical or mental outsider: foreign nations, foreign political systems, people who refuse vaccinnation, and those who share information which counters official narratives.
Since this level is already the focus of Government and mainstream media sources, we don't plan to publish much on it here.
Level 1 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
Level 1 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Awareness-Level 2: Our Social System is Corrupt but can be fixed by making the right choices for options which the system allows us, such as by electing the other established political party or candidate.
This is a dominant revelation-level of the mainstream alternative media. It is not without merit: certainly it is extremely important to make the right choices when you are given the choice.
Level 2 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
Level 2 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Love [incomplete presentation]
Awareness-Level 3: Near the top levels, our Society is conspiracy for profit of elites, ie. of Cororations especially Banks and maybe certain Identifiable Social Groups, through infiltration of Established Political Parties and Government agencies, and influence of politicians and Mainstream Media
In such a view, it would take at least tremendous support for a radically different political party to fix it: a narrow yet system-provided chance at escape.
A minority of the alternative media operates on his level.
Level 3 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
This level of threeat is capable of killing without remorse.
The COVID-19 Crisis (2020 - 2023?):
Other Medical Industry Threats:
Monkeypox [incomplete presentation]
Self-Replicating Vaccines (article in development)
Advertising, Propaganda, and Mind Control (article in development)
Level 3 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Awareness-Level 4: This awareness is that, at the high levels, our societ is fundamentally against the People towards the benefit of certain unidentifiable (secret society) groups of humans who orchestrate it for their power more than profit.
This is usually the deepest level of awareness which the Alternative Media will report, and even then not stick with to a conclusion.
Level 4 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
This level of threat is capable of truly sick things beyond killing, in an attempt to partner with demonic entities.
United Nations (page in development), including:
World Economic Forum (page in development)
Secret Societies (article in development)
Crop Circles (article in development)
Level 4 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Private Cryptocurrencies (article in development)
Awareness-Level 5: Our Social System is fundamentally against the People, even to the comprehensive ruin of humanity, towards the benefit of advanced non-humans who work through human servants who lead our societies.
Very few alternative media sources ever go to this level. It is extremely rare that even those who do discuss at this level have any significant evidence to present.Nevertheless some evidence does exist, and it is not easy to intelligently dismiss except by its rarity.
Level 5 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
The Serpents (article in development)
Other Non-Human Biological Intelligent Life (article in development)
Level 5 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Awareness-Level 6: The World Teaches Lies. Big Ones.
Level 6 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
Virology [external link to video, for now]
Vaccines (in general) [article to external webpage, for now]
Psychiatry [external link to video, for now]
Dinosaurs (for now please see external videos here and here)
History (profound; article in development)
Antarctica (profound; article in development)
Santa Claus (article in development)
Level 6 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Awareness-Level 7: What Is Reality?
At first it would seem that reality is whoever or whatever you trust indicates it is. Is there more to it than that?
Level 7 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
Virtual Reality (article in development)
Level 7 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Awareness-Level 8: Eternity
Level 8 GLOBAL THREATS (Against Life):
God the Supreme Being (article in development)
Jesus Christ (article in development)
Level 8 GLOBAL SOLUTIONS (to Protect Life)
Surrender to God (in development)
Humility (in development)
Relationship with God (in development)
Talent (in development)
How to Respond:
Take some responsibility for the state of the world around you.
Never invoke your religion as an excuse not to care about any issue.
Seek the truth in all issues which touch your responsibility. Truth does not change and is your reliable guide to critical distinctions in deciding issues, such as: what is immoral, what is illegal, what is safe, and who is wrong in the situation. Be informed.
Be willing to hear truth presentations from all sources (except only from clear enemies due to their known intent). Never shut your ears to presentations of truth on important topics arbitrarily.
Evaluate truth on evidence and eyewitness testimony never repetition nor Presenter credentials. Do not arbitrarily exclude any evidence, nor endorse any model which does not explain all of the evidence. Be willing to accept the model which best explains the evidence, no matter how uncomfortable.
Evaluate morality on a testing for harms to all conceivable parties including God and animals.
Keep morality the first priority in your decisions as an eternal security, assuming it is based on truth.
Insist to know at least the history and the perspective of both sides of any situation before forming any opinion on it.
Do not allow yourself to be drawn into giving support for emergency powers, war, other killing, or other abuse or restriction of anyone until you are sure you understand the situation well enough to take personal moral responsiblity for that support.
Record, preserve and share evidence of the truth with those who are interested for the right reasons, while allowing them to form their own opinions on it.
Use what legal and peaceful forms of activism which your Social system provides you, such as writing your political representatives.
Use prayer as an available force for change which does not depend on Establishment cooperation to work.
Object to evil, directly, if you have any right of say at all on the matter.
Reject rule by any enemies of humanity or their servants.
Recognize and oppose dangerous or destructive legislation or policies.
Support the Innocent in need.
Support activists for good.
Preserve the good passed on from prior generations.
Improve the plight of future generations.
Support absolute freedom of speech.
Support direct democracy (where the People decide each issue separately).
Encourage joy but never at the cost of truth nor deafness to the Innocent.
Be prepared for adversity.
Be prepared to sacrifice whatever good requires.
Petitions Worth Signing:
Admittedly, signing petitions have weak political force, but not no force, and for the time (usually instant), money (usually free), and effort (usually a click) required, they are an extremely cost-efficient way to make a difference and get yourself on the right side of history.
Pro-Peace / Anti-War
Anti-Vaccine or Pro Medical Freedom:
Animal Rights/Welfare:
Anti LGBT-Encroachment:
Gun Rights:
About Us:
OUR MISSION: To find, collect, and present evidence on issues of most impact to life on Earth, in a way which enables action. Our definition of 'life' for this purpose includes spiritual, human, and animal forms, but with an emphasis on human.
THE NEED FOR TRUTH: A careful pursuit of truth is always important before intervening on any issue, lest even the best-intentioned intervention unwittingly serve immoral or unwise action. Worse, the 'forces of evil' seem to have learned that it's legally and spiritually better for them to oppress us not by force, but by our own consent, which requires heavily misinforming us so that we unwittingly choose our enslavement and/or destruction. Perhaps never before has humanity needed evidence-based truth so desperately and in so many topics.
OUR VALUE PREMISE: We've found typical news sources presenting fragmentary information as it emerges and this is not suitable to maintain an understanding of important topics. For those of us who insist to understand issues clearly before taking a side on them, we actually need someone to collect these fragments of evidence on each topic into a summary of evidence on each topic. Only when we have such a summary can we see the overall picture, can we present topics to others, and do we have a proper foundation to form an opinion or take action. As an analogy, if you see a news report every day that someone was shot in your city, assuming the Police attend to each case, it's not clear that there is any bigger issue to act on. However if, by collecting the reports together, you see that half of those shootings are from just one neighbourhood, an actionable truth emerges: that neighbourhood needs extra police presence. Similarly, if you notice occasional reports of military killing civilians, it might seem like scattered unfortunate misjudgments. When you collect many reports like that together, however, it can look like deliberate genocide.
OUR LIMITATION: At this stage, this is only a labour of love, updated as personal time and energy permits, despite pressures including attacks on our good work. We are likely to fall behind in updating current topics, but even then we hope to maintain key evidence and resources for you to understand the truth. Many articles remain unwritting; wwe have also taken the unusual step of presenting a list of unwritten articles (below) so that visitors can investigate topics for themselves in the meantime from other sources.
ANONYMITY: Since we do this for free, and we want to make sure we are never doing this for pride or personal gain, we see no benefit and only risk to revealing our identity. For this reason, we prefer to remain anonymous, at least for now.
If you feel like you want to protect your privacy in visiting our website, we recommend tips such as: directing your internet browser to connect to us with https (rather than http), using a private browser window, using a VPN or proxy website, or using a privacy-defensive browser such as the TOR browser. Internet privacy is an issue which is much bigger than just visiting our website, so hopefully you thought of it already.
Dedication: This website is dedicated to Jesus Christ in pursuit of uncompromising evidence-based prayer-assisted truth for the best available protection of all life. We are even willing to venture outside of conventional Christian theology for this purpose.
Our Support: We ask no donation, nor any purchase from Sponsors, and although we welcome prayer support, primarily we ask that you use the information we provide to do something to protect life on Earth (our sharing of information with you is, in effect, an investment in your own activism).
Caution: Before you set out in action, we encourage you to download and save your own copy of related evidence which interests you. Critical evidence is not only your foundation for action, but a foundation for the entire activist Movement of that topic, and it needs protection for future generations of activists by being stored in many differet places.
Other 'Threat' Articles in Development:
NATO-Russia War
Artificial Intelligence (AI, article in development)
This is to participate in the invention or perpetration of a threat or harm, but blame some other force for it, for some gain for yourself. Usually the gain is pretext to openly attack another party (including your own People, such as their human rights, ostensibly to protect them). Usually the initial incident involeves attacking (or conspicuously failing to defend) your own innocents to their real harm. It's generally done on a national level, where immorality has become so much more accepted, but if it was done on an individual level, it would be like: murdering someone, then blaming your own innocent son for doing it, and then executing him yourself. It is difficult to imagine something more evil, yet the horror of our society today is that this practice has become common enough to be considered a standard military tactic.Examples:
Titanic (article in development)
WWI: Sinking of the Lusitania (article in development)
WWII: Pearl Harbour (article in development)
USS Liberty (article in development)
Vietnam War (article in development)
Challenger (article in development)
2001 '9/11' Attacks and Invasion of Afghanistan (article in development)
WMD and Invasion of Iraq (article in development)
Boston Bombing (article in development)
Sandy Hook (article in development)
Las Vegas shooting (article in development)
Orlando Nightclub shooting(article in development)
Paris Attacks (article in development)
War (Generally)
Power Grid Failure (article in development)
Normalization (article in development)
Unconditional Oaths
Suicide including Euthanasia
Confiscation (article in development)
Cannibal Capitalism (article in development)
Debt (article in development)
Child Trafficking and Exploitation [article in development]
Roman Catholic Church (article in development)
Mass-Kill Switches [article in development]
The OCCUPATION of Humanity (article in development)
Paradigm Deception (article in development)
Deception by Government (article in development)
Missing Persons (article in development)
The Human Farm (article in development)
Public and Support Service Secrecy
Hunger (article in development)
Holywood (article in development)
Runaway Taxation (article in development)
Religious Organization Submission to Government (article in development)
Atheism (article in development)
Theory Evolution by Natural Selection as Self-Creation of Life (article in development)
Rent and Bills
Permanent or Precedent-Setting Suspension of Democracy in surrender to Fear
Permanent or Precedent-Setting Sacrifice of Human Rights in surrender to Fear
Mandating Irreversible and Risky Medical Treatments for Other Humans at their Risk
Borrowing from Future Generations in Public Deficits (article in development)
Infant Circumcision [article in development]
Destructive Misallocation of Public Resources (article in development)
News Media Corruption (article in development)
Government-Facilitated Terrorism [article in development]
A World Ruled by Psychopaths (page in develpment)
GMO and Profane Food (article in development)
Medical Tyranny (article in development; generally; for COVID-19 please see our page for that specifically, below)
Artificial Sweeteners [article in development]
Squandering of Technology (article in development)
Embezzlement (article in development)
Corruption of Law Creation
Corruption of Law Enforcement
Election Corruption (article in development)
Government Emergency Powers (article in development)
Human Rights Legal Cancellability (article in development)
Human Rights Legal Suspendability (article in development)
Fiat Currency (article in development)
Fractional Reserve Banking
Lawfare (article in development)
Trust in Science Community over Scientific Method (article in development)
Collectivism (article in development)
Assassination of President Kennedy (article in development)
Executive Order 6102 (article in development)
SMART technology (article in development)
Cloning (article in development)
Genetic Engineering and Corruption (article in development)
Nuclear Energy (article in development)
Theft (article in development)
Murder including Unsolved Murder (article in development)
Scams (article in development)
Misues of Freedoms (article in development)
Species Extinction (article in development)
Ozone Layer Destruction (article in development)
Super-Volcano Eruption (article in development)
Toxins in Water, Food, and Environment:
Some of them are deliberately added, being promoted as good things, though rarely discussed.
This is where environmental focus should be: removing the clear threats, rather than focusing on nebulous ones.
Glyphosate (article in development)
Mercury (article in development)
Graphene (article in development)
Flood (article in development)
Storms (article in development)
Earthquakes (article in development)
Pollution (article in development)
Deforestation (article in development)
Narcotic Abuse (in development)
The Mark and the Beast (Page in Development)
Asset Forfeiture (Page in Development)
Flaws in Good Activism (Page in Development)
Unholy Holidays (Page in Development)
Magic Tricks (Page in Development)
The Cube (Page in Development)
False Choice (Page in Development)
Satanism (Page in Development)
Marijuana (article in development)
Unemployment (article in development)
Misconstrued Veteran Rememberance Days (article in development)
Sanctions (article in development)
Pornography (article in development)
Feminism (article in development)
Inequality (article in development)
Consent (article in development)
Mis-Forgiveness (article in development)
Corrupted Marriage (article in development)
Depopulation (article in development)
Entertainment (article in development)
Time (article in development)
Mass Migration (article in development)
Business (article in development)
Electric Vehicles (article in development)
Pedophilia (article in development)
Biological Weapons [article in development]
Food Toxification (article in development)
Domestic Terrorism [article in development]
War Crimes [article in development]
Domestic Fire
Cyber Attack (article in development)
Mistreatment of Prisoners
Legal Bargains & Immunity (article in development)
Criminal (in)Justice System (article in development)
Non-Disclosure Agreements (article in development)
Lucifarianism (article in development)
Social Division (article in development)
Religious & Conscience Persecution (article in development)
Worship of Money (article in development)
Worship of Celebrities (article in development)
Impersonation (article in development)
Moving On (article in development)
Miseducation (article in development)
Trusting Experts (article in development)
Sellout Clergy (article in development)
Character Assassination (article in development)
Option Limiting (article in development)
Redefinition (article in development)
Excessive Fiction (article in development)
Variable Prices (article in development)
Unfair Fees (article in development)
Poverty (article in development)
Distraction (article in development)
Corruption of Law Enforcement (article in development)
Corruption of Law Design (article in development)
Corruption of Education (article in development)
Corruption of Charities (article in development)
Corruption of Obedience (article in development)
Corruption of Television (article in development)
Corruption of Computing (article in development)
Ingratitude (article in development)
Entrapment (article in development)
Homelessness (article in development)
Disparity between Funding for Good versus Evil Initiatives (article in development)
Failures of Human Nature (article in development)
Sexual Perversion (article in development)
Welfare State (article in development)
Government Dictatorship (in development)
Government Solvency (article in development)
Government Infiltration (article in development)
Cancer (article in development)
Heart Disease & Stroke (article in development)
Diabetes (article in development)
Infertility (article in development)
Other 'Misunderstanding' Articles in Development:
Consciousness (profound; article in development)
Intelligent Plants (article in development)
Others' Sufficiency (article in development)
Measures of Success (article in development)
Measures of Success (article in development)
Nuclear Weapons (article in development)
Communism Scare (article in development)
Origin of Life by Natural Selection (article in development)
N.A.S.A. and Corruption of Space Exploration (article in development)
Mass Delusion (article in development)
The Enemy (article in development)
Government-directed Kidnapping, Torture, and/or Assassination (article in development)
Reckless Models of Salvation (article in development)
Archaeology and Human History (article in development)
Diverse Immigration (article in development)
The Bermuda Triangle (article in development)
Disappearance (article in development)
Hitler's Supposed Death
Other 'Solution' Articles in Development:
MIRACLES (in development)
CURES (in development)
Self-Sufficiency (in development)
Homeschooling (in development)
Civilian Wartime Immunity (in development)
Truth (in development)
Morality (in development)
Awareness (in development)
Self-Improvement (in development)
Repentance (in development)
Peacefulness (in development)
Adoption (in development)
Nutrition (in development)
Self-Employment (in development)
Gardening (in development)
Tithing (in development)
Correct Identification of Good and Evil (article in development)
The Most Victimised (article in development)
Human Rights (article in development)
National Defense (article in development)
Biodiversity (in development)
Health (in development)
Deterrence (article in development
Family (in development)
Pineal Gland (in development)
Low-Cost Energy (in development)
Good Neighbours (in development)
Homesteading (in development)
Savings (in development)
Key Players [Section in Development]:
World Economic Forum
George Soros
Bill Gates
British Crown
Key Players [Section in Development]:
Centralised Media (article in development)
Key Players [Section in Development]:
GLOBAL-LIFE THREAT BOARD (in our opinion, as of...) **IN DEVELOPMENT** |
Direct Threat to Typical Western Individuals (in decreasing urgency) |
Common Myth |
Reality |
Chance to Happen |
When It Can Happen |
How Long it Could Last |
Personal Dangers this Event could Introduce |
How to Prevent |
How to Prepare |
Electrical Grid Interruption |
Local Internaltional War Effects |
Banking Crisis |