General Social Decline: Any Ship can Sink
Last Update: 8 August, 2022
What is this Issue Concerning?
This is how a large and strong society can disintegrate out of existence despite its seize and strength.
Why We're Presenting This:
Exactly these types of problems are destroying our society now on the assumption that our society is a ship too big to sink.
Why You Should Care
If you're on this ship, and it sinks, you will sink with it. So it's not wise to just focus on decorating your cabin thinking everything will always be fine if you ignore it.
What the Threat Is:
Going from peaceful civilization to either violent chaos or totalitarian communism, simply by the majority of people refusing to support good and therefore supporting evil by default.
How the Threat emerges:
Fake Democracy. Representative democracies are fake because the People normally have no direct impact on policy decisions. Rather they can only choose which dictator they install for the next few years or so.
This was made particularly clear in the COVID-19 crisis, where an unelected body declared an emergency, and Governments used that excuse to take up dictatorial powers at their own discretion without any permission from the People to do that, simply because the representative democracy system is that once representatives are elected they need ask no permission again, not even to implement actual dictatorship.
We can vote on campaign promises of policy, as a weak and indirect way of democracy to work, but when the same politicians have no obligation to keep their promises, and often do the opposite, even that becomes meaningless on every level except the moral responsibility of the voter (if you voted for a promise to stop evil, even if that promise is broken, or even if that person doesn't win the election, you become morally innocent of that evil).
Better would have been direct democracy.
Voter Disinterest in the Public Good. The pattern of many of the most impacting social issues not coming up as election issues, even when their is division on social opinion for these issues, can only mean that although voters might have different opinions on the issues of widest longest impact on life, they're not bothered to allow them to enter into their voting decisions unless they seem to immediately and directly affect them. That's why, for example, abortion is usually not an election issue, even though it's a question of human bloodshed in the millions of lives, while the price of gas at the pump is always an election issue if it's high.
The assumption of the democratic system is that voters will choose what's best for the long-term good of their country, but the sad reality is that in practice, the majority has shown no interest to do that.
Voter Disinterest in Morality. Similar to disinterst in the Public Good, voters have shown a stunning disinterest in whether or not things under their say are moral. For example, despite the completely unjustified invasion of Iraq (in 2003), USA president George W. Bush was re-elected (in 2004). It's similar for other major moral issues, such as: assassination, air strikes, abortion, and animal exploitation. Voters just can't seem to be bothered to vote against moral wrongs, even when they endanger millions or billions of innocent lives. Rather the focus has been on issues which immediately and directly affects voters' personal lives.
Presumably the 'secret ballot' system promotes a kind of 'mob mentality', ie. where a large group of people loses all hesitation to do evil once they realise that they are unlikely to be held responsible.
Voter disinterest to vote. Voters don't necessarily have any sense of social duty whatsoever. When the majority is like this, it brings into serious question the concept of majority rule, because it means that decisions are made by a body which literally doesn't care what happens. One example where the majority of voters didn't vote was the June 2022 Ontario, Canada, provincial election, where only 43.5% of eligible voters voted, despite coming out of years of unprecedented dictatorship and social restrictions instituted by that level Government just prior. It means that even if you declare dictatorship, and order people to stay at home, and close schools, and mandate medical treatments, the majority of voters still aren't motivated to vote. If they don't care even about these decisions of high effect to their personal lives, it's no mystery why they don't care about more distant issues such as abortion or war.
Socially Complacent Religion. For various reasons, major religions have tended to discourage social and especially political activism (except from promoting their religion). The dominant reasons include: fear of losing Government financial incentives, popular misinterpretation of general teachings to justify complacency and self-love, misinterpretation of prophecy to mean that the world must be destroyed, fatalistic attitudes that everything is predetermined, and a failure of religious leadership.
A belief that since one person cannot make much difference alone, that therefore there's no use in anyone trying to do anything. Actually one person can make a significant difference, even alone, by prayer, if they put heart and consistency into it, and that's if they have no other special influence. This author has seen headlines change due to prayer. But of course everyone who is in danger or responsible should do something to correct wrongs, and that's a lot of people. No one doing good for society should be doing it alone.
Failure to Assist Allies of Good. The side of evil seems to understand to help allies of their cause in any initiative or need, but the side of good has been very slow to rally to the side of allies, if at all. This seems to be because they are so confident about their own 'salvation' (assurances of a good Afterlife) that they see no reason to make what seem to be extra and unnecessary sacrifices.
Deliberate Plan. Sometimes our leaders have a plan to destroy our nation. For example, the World Economic Forum has released materials predicting that the USA will no longer be a superpower by 2030. From an authroity organization of world leaders like that, it implies a plan to make that happen.
How Real is this Threat?
It's worth noting that the ancient Roman Empire, the greatest empire the world has ever seen, which ruled for hundreds of years across vast distances despite only crude technology, was destroyed not by an asteroid, or a nuclear war, but simply by decadence, that is to say, the People not caring about the common good anymore. On theory of why this happened was that after they defeated their last serious common enemy, Carthage, and razed it to the ground, they saw no reason to come together in a nationalist way anymore but each person simply lived for their own gain to the ruin of the Empire.
Why this is done:
Selfishness to the point of being slow suicide: that you would rather die than help others, and that includes the society at large.
How prevalent is this?
It seems to be the majority as of this writing.
If the attitude of the majority isn't changed to feel a responsibility to support social good instead of social evil, only ruin can result, no matter how large or established th society.
What You Can Do About It:
Spread the truth as best you can, hoping for the best, but also prepare for the worst.